Before we get to the untitled Avengers sequel in 2019, following the event of Avengers: Infinity War, we have one...
Captain Marvel has found it’s composer in Pinar Toprak. Pinar Toprak will be the first female composer in the Marvel...
Marvel Studios is basically churning out money at this point. Each film seems to only outdo the last film and...
Before we get to the Black Order, let’s catch up. It’s hard to believe that it’s been ten years since...
The sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, is adding Samuel L. Jackson and Cobie Smulders who will be reprising...
Marvel films have been churning out some incredible soundtracks as of late and this was no different with Deadpool 2...
With Captain Marvel in production that means we’re much closer to the fierce heroine gracing the silver screen, and saving...
Jay El·
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·Welcome True Believers to Comic-Con International San Diego 2018 (SDCC 2018)! The biggest Comic-Con of the year, and we have...
As expected, Avengers: Infinity War crushed it at the box office. Fans around the world were treated to an incredible...
With Marvel’s Infinity War on the horizon and Chris Evans having publicly said that he will be stepping back from...