4 Reasons Why We Have Faith in Ben Affleck’s Batman

Happy Batman Day, DC Extended Universe fans! There’s so many different ways to celebrate the Dark Knight’s big day. Obviously, we recommend reading some of your top Batman stories and rewatching some of your favorite animated and live-action adventures, but seeing as we’re the DC Movies Podcast, we want to take just a bit of time to talk about Batman’s cinematic future. We here at the DC Movies Podcast think Ben Affleck’s a terrific choice for the iconic role, so we’ve condensed this opinion into four simple reasons. Once you’ve read through the article, head over to the comments and let the world know how you feel about Batfleck.

Ben Affleck looks like Bruce Wayne/Batman

Batman Ben Affleck Jason Fabok
Via artist Jason Fabok

Love or hate the announcement that Ben Affleck was cast as Batman, there’s just no denying that he absolutely, positively looks like both Bruce Wayne and Batman. From the prominent chin and stern expressions to his legitimately imposing physique, this guy blew us away when the first official image of him in a costume – a costume inspired by The Dark Knight Returns, no less – was released. Then, he showed us he can capture a more emotional side to Bruce Wayne when the San Diego Comic-Con 2015 trailer dropped. Whether or not his performance will live up to the hype has yet to be seen, but he undoubtedly looks awesome as the Dark Knight.

He’s a fan

Ben Affleck Batman Zack Snyder Superman Dawn of Justice

According to Kevin Smith, Ben Affleck loves Batman every bit as much as we all do. First and foremost, the actor’s older house had a “Batcave entrance” to a panic room. We, of course, hope no one will ever need to use the room, but having it inspired by the Caped Crusader’s secret entrance is thoroughly cool. Additionally, Smith pointed out that Affleck took the role of Daredevil because of his love for Frank Miller’s work on Batman. Back then, the actor believed they’d never make another Batman movie (this came after Batman & Robin), so that’s why he worked on Daredevil – another character who was written by Miller. It’s clear Affleck loves the DC hero, and the fact Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is drawing so much inspiration from Miller’s work is more than likely boosting his enthusiasm even more. Affleck now has the honor of playing the “I am Batman!” card whenever he wants to. Thankfully, it looks like he’s earning that privilege, too.

His (recent) resume is impressive

Batman Bat Signal Ben Affleck Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice

When it was announced Ben Affleck was cast as Batman, a noticeable amount of fans had… well, let’s just be polite and say “unpleasant” reactions. Instead of looking at Affleck’s recent releases, many fans began to talk about the not-so-great career decisions the actor made in the past. Of course, 2003’s Daredevil was commonly cited and understandably so. While Affleck certainly didn’t give a stunning performance as the Man without Fear, and the movie had several other issues, it’s important to note that the performance is more than a decade old and he has even admitted he regrets the decision. The man also has Gigli under his belt, and that came out in 2003 as well. So yeah, when it comes to his career, 2003 wasn’t the best year around. However, he’s been killing it more recently, and that’s the Ben Affleck who landed the role of Batman – not the one from 2003. Gone GirlArgo, and The Town all prove the guy is capable of giving attention-grabbing and believable performances. The BvS trailers further prove he has what it takes to offer one heck of a strong presence, and that’s critical for Batman. Affleck certainly has projects in his past that warrant criticism, but his recent work is superb and that’s what should truly matter.

A strong future with Warner Bros.

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice

Ben Affleck has recently directed two critically-acclaimed WB movies: Argo and The Town (which he also co-wrote). Both projects were nominated for multiple awards, and Argo even won three Oscars, including Best Motion Picture of the Year. Additionally, Affleck directed and co-wrote Gone Baby Gone, another movie which received mostly favorable reviews. Not shabby, right? Affleck has proven he’s a talented director and he’s generated some big buzz for the studio. Now, he has the potential to bring WB even more attention with his performance as the latest cinematic incarnation of the Dark Knight. (Apparently, he’s done quite well because there’s reports of the studio wanting to see even more of Affleck’s Batman after watching a cut of BvS.) Because of all of this, it’s so easy to understand why there’s a rumor floating around that Ben Affleck will not only direct an upcoming Batman spinoff, but he’ll also co-write it – with Geoff Johns! At this rate, it’s looking like Affleck’s work as an actor, writer, and director will allow him to play a noteworthy role in the future of the DCEU. The fact he’s also brought Argo writer Chris Terrio into the crafting of the DCEU makes his involvement even more promising.

Thanks to his recent work, physique, and passion for the character, we’re feeling incredibly optimistic about Ben Affleck being Batman. As of right now, he absolutely has the potential to become the top cinematic version of the character. Now we just have to wait and see whether he delivers on all of this promise. Thankfully, the movie will hit theaters in roughly 6 months. The wait is almost over, people!