Robbi Rodriguez Says His Farewell to Comics with Gwenom

At this weekend’s C2E2 the artist of Spider-Gwen, Robbi Rodriguez, announced a new Spider-Gwen arc called “Gwenom”. Gwenom is a hybrid of Gwen Stacy and Venom from an alternate dimension. This new character is a take on Rob Guillory variant cover from Guardians of Knowhere #1.


The Spider-Gwen creative team is still fleshing out the story, but they plan on it being a year long Spider-Gwen arc. Rodriguez said that it was already “toned down by half” from the original pitch.

At the con he also stated,

“In the tradition of Spider-Gwen, we just made another book out of a pun we came up with in a bar”

Rodriguez seems to have a lot of faith in the character and could see a spin off happening if the character gets the right response.

With the announcement of Gwenom, also came the announcement of Robbi Rodriguez’s retirement from comics. He told Newsrama that he will keep the door open for fun projects, but moving on from his professional pursuits.

Let us know your thoughts on the Gwenom arc and Rodriguez’s retirement in the comments below!