REVIEW: Mockingbird #5

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Mockingbird #5

Written By
: Chelsea Cain
Art By: Ibrahim Moustafa
Colored By: Rachelle Rosenberg
Lettered By: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Release Date: 7/27/16
Price Tag: $3.99

Mockingbird finally comes back full circle to the medical mystery that was first introduced in issue #1.


Mockingbird #5 (introduction)

Bobbi Morse comes face to face with zombies! Or the closest equivalent to them in modern science, that is. After having been secretly experimented on, she is now asked to retrieve the cure for her condition. Though she grumbles about cleaning up S.H.I.E.L.D.’s mess, Bobbi recruits some unlikely allies to help her in her quest. In the end, her actions may surprise the readers – and even Bobbi herself.


Chelsea Cain’s Mockingbird run so far has been an enjoyable sight-seeing tour, taking new readers through necessary pit stops. Each issue acquaints us more with Bobbi’s story while shedding light on her character in fun and inventive ways. The first issue asked why Agent Morse had to be at S.H.I.E.L.D.’s medical labs. This issue answers that question and, while it is very thorough response, it feels a little rushed. The three intervening one-shots could have introduced more tension to set the scene for the grand finale. At the same time, I like that Cain provided the audience with a sampler rather than a meal early on.

Mockingbird #5 (Bobbi faces off against zombies)

My favorite part of Mockingbird is the one-liners and quirky characterizations, and both are on full display in this issue. It’s great to see Bobbi handle herself in the face personal danger, as well as to watch her grapple with a moral dilemma that has no right answer. Seeing Cain’s take on two other beloved Marvel characters is also quite a treat. I won’t spoil their appearance for you, but suffice it to say that the cameos in this comic never feel forced regardless of how coincidental they may seem.

Mockingbird #5 (Bobbi fights cadavers)

The ending was my least favorite part, but only because it was clear that I would not be getting a drawn-out conclusion since next month will be the start of a new arc. If the worst thing I can say is that I didn’t want the story to end, that’s high praise indeed.


The change in art style from Kate Niemczyk to Ibrahim Moustafa after four issues is a little jarring, but his soft lines work well with the action-packed sequences this month. Rosenberg’s colors remain warm and inviting, which made the abrupt switch in artist not at all unwelcome after the initial shock.

Mockingbird #5 (Bobbi talks to SHIELD doctors)

One of the best things about the art style is how expressive Bobbi is, as well as how realistically the poses are drawn. It certainly helps ground the story when the dialogue threatens to get lost in lofty science talk that a liberal arts major such as myself has trouble understanding.


Despite feeling a little rushed, Mockingbird #5 is an excellent follow-up to the first issue’s mystery and reveals more of Bobbi as a person and hero.