Future Fight

Monster Update for Marvel’s Future Fight

The latest update for Marvel Future Fight is bringing a ton of new costumes and content. Although most costumes come from Marvel NOW!  Marvel’s Publishing and Games team collaborated with Netmarble to create some exclusive Monsters Unleashed inspired armors.

All new variants of heroes Totally Awesome Hulk, Medusa, Elsa Bloodstone, Moon-Girl and Devil Dinosaur and Kid Kaiju all of whom play large roles in the Monsters Unleashed event.

Not only are we excited by the idea that we get to play as our favorite unique versions of the heroes that we love but with the new costume variants will allow players to upgrade and accrue experience on each costume to unlock stat boosts and bonuses. Put on your monster fighting gear and head out. Check back often as more costumes and content will become available.

Source: Marvel.com & Marvel.com