Agents Of SHIELD Season 4 Surprises: Why You Should Catch Up Before April


Ghost Rider is in a class by himself, but he wasn’t the only new character to join the ranks of SHIELD. Writers Jed Whedon, Maurissa Tanchareon, and Jeff Bell brought in Galvant’s Mallory Jansen and Batman Himself, Jason Omara to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not to mention the surprising John Hannah as Holden Radcliffe.  Coming in in the second half of the season, these three characters have shaped the show and have pushed it indirectly towards it’s final current four episodes.  Each character, from Jason Omara’s clean cut good guy Patriot to Mallory Jansen’s AIDA has been at turns stunning, scary, and funny.

We can’t forget the more villainous characters either. Parminder Nagra’s Senator Nadeer and her brother were a tragic footnote in the struggle to oppress inhumanity and Mrs. Nagra’s Senator Nadeer offered us something we rarely see – a well written compelling female villain.  She and Mallory Jansen were both standouts in Agents of SHIELD’s season four story, grimly reflected in the hellish light of Ghost Rider.  They’re all characters who added shape, scope, and power to the MCU and the corner of the universe dominated by the Agents of SHIELD. If you’re diving into the framework, you can’t do it without a background lesson in the Patriot, Holden Radcliffe (who is an actual 616 character as well) , Senator Nadeer, and the woman of the hour herself. AIDA.