New Logan Superbowl TV Spot Debuts, Offers “Grace”

Superbowl 51 has traditionally been the gift that keeps on giving, from food to family to fantastic commercials.  We’ve already see what the Guardians of the Galaxy goodies, now Marvel has returned with it’s Fox Universe and a new Logan TV spot hinting at the dark reality awaiting all of us this March 3rd.

Logan has continuously offered us a grimdark superhero reality using music that you’d never see used in superhero films (especially when compared to say, Civil War or Guardians of the Galaxy) as well as stunning images. A synopsis hasn’t officially been released yet, but with a run time of 2 hours and 15 min – hold onto those sodas and be wary of too many snacks true believers.

We got to see quite a few things in this trailer we haven’t seen before including Stephen Merchant’s Caliban up close and personal, Boyd Holbrook’s Donald Pierce (who else would be at the head of such an awesome car?) and of course, more of Patrick Stewart as Professor Xavier.    There’s also an intriguing scene involving a group of escaped children, hinting at a connection between both the comic book universe (Laura lives in a facility with mutant children in the comics) as well as a connection within the story (It would appear that Logan is drawing some elements from the comic books.

Excited? Intrigued? Watch the spot and the trailer below and be sure to share your comments with us.  While no official detailed synopsis has yet been released, this teaser should be enough to whet our appetites until March 3rd. It’s not as far away as we’d all think after all – and this little bit of grace can help us get there.

In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X in a hide out on the Mexican border. But Logan’s attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are up-ended when a young mutant arrives, being pursued by dark forces.

Logan is set to debut March 3rd. Watch the second trailer below.