This Week in Collectibles: Figures, Figures, and more Figures

Mezco Exclusive ONE:12 Collective Deadpool

So this one is a pretty awesome figure. I just wanted to preface that. So this is a Deadpool figure so there is a ton of accessories for this figure. Including basically another figure.

So this figure comes with 2 heads (classic and squinting), 3 pairs of hands, 2 handguns, 2 katanas, a machine gun with grenades, 4 regular grenades, a logo display stand with posing post, and as an online exclusive you will also get Headpool. Yes, the zombie head with a mouth comes included.

ONE 12 Collective Deadpool Exclusive Edition Figure and Accessories Headpool

The best part is that his weapons do have places on the figure so that they can be stored. The katanas have sheaths on the back, the two pistols have holsters on the legs, and pouches for his grenades.

Source: Marvel Toy News