Deadpool Teaser Trailer Released Online And What We Know About Deadpool 2

Rumors circulated about there being a Deadpool cameo in Logan for months.  When we all saw the film (you can check out our review Here.) we learned it wasn’t a cameo persay – instead it was a short film called “No Good Deed” featuring Reynolds, the music from Superman and some very cheeky scenes in a phone booth not to mention an out of the way Firefly poster (who saw that coming? What could that mean?)  In true Deadpool fashion things get a bit messy but they also turn around and I for one had some much needed laughs before enjoying the emotional powerhouse that was Logan. 

For those of you who didn’t get a chance to straight up marvel at Ryan Reynold’s performance, don’t let yourself get behind the times.  Mr. Reynolds apparently didn’t want you to either, as he shortly tweeted out “No Good Deed” continuing his love for fans and his respect for the people that gave Deadpool the film it both needed and deserved.  With some theaters reporting that they didn’t get the teaser/short film, send out a quick thank you to Mr. Reynolds when you check your twitter feeds this morning.

With rumors circulating about Kerry Washington playing Domino, news that Drew Goddard has joined Deadpool 2 to give the script a look over or two, you don’t have to go far for news for the Deadpool fan excited for the sequel.  Artists have also been weighing in on rumors for casting, particularly the casting of Cable (He makes an uncredited cameo of sorts in this. We’re not going to spoil it for you, but read about Cable then watch this fifty times to see if you can spot it. It’s just that funny)

Artist BossLogic delivered some awesome images of Cable, ranging from rumored Russell Crowe to David Harbour of Stranger Things fame.

Until they announce a cast list however, we do know that there’s news and Ryan Renolds and James Mangold were beyond gracious to provide us with this hilarious teaser before the film.   Like it? Hate it? Tell us your Cable casting and your Domino Casting in the comments below.

Deadpool 2 is expected for a 2018 release.