REVIEW: X-Men Blue #3 – “Zero Tolerance”

Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artists: Jorge Molina & Ray-Anthony Height
Colorist: Matt Milla
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Cover: Arthur Adams & Peter Steigerwald
Release Date: 05/10/17
Rating: Rated T+
Price: $3.99

X-Men Blue

Beast, after seeing his friend Cyclops possessed by the Phoenix force kill their mentor, Professor X go down a dark path decides to go back in time to recruit the younger versions of the original X-Men as an intervention for Cyclops. The hope was to turn Cyclops around or to prevent him from going down this road to begin with. The young X-Men faced with some shocking news as to who they each become didn’t know what to think when quickly faced with their future selves and are trapped in present day unable to return to their own time.

The original five X-Men explored their new lives in the present day and determined not to follow their older counterparts paths. Recently they discovered they are still trapped in the future, but it is more than that, since they are also stuck in a different reality. The past they are from is not the same as the past of the present day X-Men. After the war with the Inhumans the young X-Men left the school to be their own team and secretly working with Magneto to ensure Xavier’s dream did not die with him, while he secretly plots to return them to their proper time.

X-Men Blue

Plot: The X-Men Blue arrive to help a young emerging mutant and are faced with Sentinels that claim to be mutants also. How are these new Sentinels mutants? What are their real motives? And who is behind them?

Story:   I have been enjoying this title since the ResurrXion with feeling that this is the first time I have heard the voice of the original X-Men since they arrived. I also had the chance to interview Cullen Bunn on an E-Panel along with the rest of the Comic Frontline team and after his tease for it, it moved up to one of my most anticipated books of the week.

X-Men Blue

The X-Men find their powers not working, except for Cyclops when they learn that the Sentinels did not attack the mutant but saved her by nulling her powers as they caused destruction in the town. They take them back to their master who is none other than Bastion. Bastion is a fusion of Master Mold and Nimrod, who was thought to be dead after facing Hope in Second Coming.

X-Men Blue

Bunn returns him but does something completely original with him. Bastion is protecting mutants only so he can destroy them later.  I love this, it is like a twisted safari. Every time before now when I seen Bastion, or a Sentinel I knew what I was getting, but Bunn has managed to flip to script and deliver a story that has me wondering what’s next!

X-Men Blue

The chemistry of these characters are spot on. This may not be the team I grew up with, since they have went down different roads in their short time together but their core essence have not changed. You can really see this in their little moments together like when they bounce off each other during a fight or when Jean and Scott talk in the end. Bunn has really brought the original team to today holding true to who they are, while facing new threats.

X-Men Blue

Art:  There are two artists here and you can see the difference in the art, but I don’t care. The styles compliment each other in an unexpected way. Jorge Molina has great detail to his art, and really brings big action to the team. While Ray-Anthony Height brings a lot of emoting and energy to the issue. I also can not discuss the art without noting how excited I was to see Ray-Anthony Height on this book, I love his Midnight Tiger and to see him on the X-Men was just awesome.

X-Men Blue

Verdict: Overall this was a solid issue that has me looking forward to the next issue even more. The introduction of Bastion and his plans have really injected a new unknown threat to this book along with the ticking clock of Magneto’s plan coming we now also have this ticking clock of Bastion’s plan.

X-Men Blue

Rating: 4 stars.