REVIEW: Secret Warriors #3 – “The Kids Are Not Alright”

Writer: Matthew Rosenberg
Penciler: Javier Garrón
Colorist: Israel Silva

Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Price: $3.99

Release Date: 6/14/17


Plot: Tensions between the Inhumans and the X-Men rise almost immediately, Daisy manages to get some important information amidst all the bickering and ushers her team of Secret Warriors into a search for Leer.

After ditching the X-Men along the trail out of New Tian, the Inhumans find an abandoned laboratory with the extra-dimensional Dark Beast inside it. Daisy then proceeds to use her powers on him in ways that Kamala might not approve of, making the young Inhuman forget all about the team’s earlier fights.

Story: Secret Warriors #3 immediately makes good use of the previous Inhumans vs. X-Men crossover, helping to make the Marvel Universe feels a little more interconnected. Matthew Rosenberg plays the previous struggle for laughs at first, but doesn’t shy away from going over the long-term consequences that such a skirmish could have. It’s especially poignant how even kids like Lunella and Kamala are drawn into the hate and fear-fueled fighting, forced to pick a side and take a stand on issues they may not even understand yet. The issue also firmly establishes Kamala’s sense of right and right, and clearly draws from what we know about Miss Marvel to do so. She may get caught up in the squabble and even throw a punch or two, but she would never engage in torture tactics or condone those who do.

While Kamala’s arc was very well delineated – and highlighted by flashbacks which show her guiding other would-be rebels on how to resist responsibly – Daisy’s motivations are a little murkier. Perhaps it’s because I personally don’t have much experience with her character in the comics, but it seemed like she flipped rather quickly from keeping the kids in line to doing whatever it takes regardless of how they react. At the same time, Dark Beast seemed to be running a torture operation himself so it’s hard to feel that Daisy was wrong in whatever she did. But perhaps a little more time spent following her thought process would help balance her viewpoint with Kamala’s – especially since the latter remains consistent about all the lessons she’s learned since Civil War II.

versions of Dr. McCoy, but

Art: The art in Secret Warriors is one of its most enjoyable aspects. Javier Garrón provides a gratifying amount of detail when it comes to the characters, so that their expressions can be easily understood even when they’re not in the foreground of a panel. This really can’t be said for many comic book artists, so it’s worth nothing. Meanwhile, Israel Silva’s colors are vibrant and bright, infusing the story with the same youthful energy that teenagers like Miss Marvel and Inferno should instead of getting bogged down in the darkness of Secret Empire.  

While the backgrounds do not contain as much detail, they serve their purpose and allow readers’ eyes to focus on the important events and characters in each sequence. Garrón also has a great sense of space that helps accentuate action scenes and create a feeling of movement in fights or chases – both of which this issue has plenty of.

Verdict: Secret Warriors has a very interesting premise and the potential to widen the world of Secret Empire, but it is not yet using its plot and characters to the fullest extent yet. Given the latest developments, however, I remain hopeful for the series’ next few issues.

Star Rating: 3.5/5