
Avengers Academy: Inhumans Event

Episode 3: Karnak

Starting today episode 3 begins and with it comes Karnak as a recruitable character, Crystal as a recruitable character, and a new costume for Wasp. Also instead of Red Blasters, there is Green Blasters for this episode and presumably next week too.

You sure she said that?

Getting into Karnak’s recruitment you will need 60 Green Terrigen Crystals from the Emerald Relics, 5 things of Cranium Wax (Because he’s bald, real subtle) from Eldrac the Door (Which requires Green Blasters to obtain), 72 Monk Robes from the Mission Board, and 10 Keys to the Tower from beating Black Bolt.

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We also get one of the last members of the Inhuman Royal Family that aren’t Black Bolt or Maximus with Crystal. Fortunately, she is not premium in this go around but is as tough to get as the Ms. Marvel outfit was. All she requires for unlock is 225 Royal Crests that are included with the Emerald Relics so you’ll need to save up since each relic drops between 1-3 crests depending on which box style it is. She also has an expiration timer that will force her to leave once the episode is over. Or 7 days from when you activate the quest for her.

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And finally, we have Queen Wasp which is the counterpart to King Tony. For her, you will have the last 2 weeks to obtain but she requires 28 Queenly Crowns from beating Black Bolt, 140 Green Terrigen Crystals from the Emerald Relics, 24 Queen Standards from the Tower of Wisdom, 180 Bee Insignias from the Mission Board, and 1500 Attilan Artifacts. She’s the only one requiring artifacts for this episode and it is a significantly less amount than with the other characters.

So are her and Tony a thing then? Since they are King and Queen of Avengers Academy. Or is it a Homecoming/Prom situation?

And that is it for this week. Next week is the final episode for the event so Black Bolt and Secret Wars Quake I think. Also, you’ll still be able to get Queen Wasp. And to answer the AIM soldiers here’s Enchantress looking disappointed.

You’re supposed to be the smart ones here.