Top 5 Characters We Want To See In Daredevil Season 3

#1 Bullseye

If I had to name someone as Daredevil’s arch enemy other than the Kingpin I would have to say without a doubt it’s Bullseye. Over the years in the comics few villains have brought Matt Murdock as much pain and suffering as Bullseye. He is one of the few villains to truly tempt Matt to cross the line. I think he’d be an amazing villain to put Daredevil up against. Bullseye is a straight up psychopath. His character is a walking oxymoron. Not only can he kill you with precision, but thanks to his intelligence and twisted chaotic mind he can frame his kills to destroy a target psychologically This could bring an almost psychological thriller hunt to Daredevil that could make season 3 the best season yet.

Well that was my list of the top 5 characters I’d like to see in Daredevil season 3. Do you agree with me? Are there any characters that you love that I missed? Be sure to leave a comment and let me know.