Guardians of the Galaxy HVFF San Jose

Guardians of the Galaxy at HVFF San Jose

Guardians of the Galaxy fans were treated to a Vol 2 trio at Heroes and Villains Fan Fest on December 2nd and 3rd in San Jose.  Actors Sean Gunn (Kragliln), Chris Sullivan (Tazerface) and Steve Agee (Gef) were at the convention both days, and all three participated in a panel on Saturday.

The panel, moderated by Blake Garris was filled with nonstop laughs, the chemistry between the three Ravagers was apparent as they joked and ribbed one another when talking about their experiences making Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2.

There was a lengthy discussion about beards – Agee complained about how itchy it was having a beard while Sullivan simply replied “Oils and creams, my friend.  Moisterize.  Ladies am I right?”  Gunn chimed in that Agee was complaining about simply having a beard, while Sullivan, Rooker and Gillan all had to spend 3-5 hours getting full prosthetics and makeup done.

Sullivan was asked about having a Funko Pop made of his character, Tazerface.  To which Agee replied “Yeah what is that like?” Gunn added that he doesn’t really have a Funko (Rocket Raccoon) and that his brother James got a Funko Pop made of himself.  “I wanted one first” Gunn added.

When asked how much fun it was on the set of Guardians of the Galaxy, Agee went back to the beard, saying “It was very tense…A lot of beard scratching”.  Sullivan said that “James Gunn makes it a lot of fun for everyone.  We probably should have been more focused (laughs).”

A kid from the audience asked the trio of they could say anything about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 to which Sullivan replied “Do you work for DC?”  Gunn stated that he pretty much knows the whole script to Vol 3, and simultaneously Sullivan and Agee asked “Am I in the next movie?!”

They were asked what they would be doing now if they weren’t actors, to which Gunn replied that he would probably be a chef.  “I would be a very sad chef, whose acting career had failed.”

Sullivan said that he got to keep his facial prosthetic.  “The makeup dept pinned it up on a board like a butterfly and framed it.  It’s really creepy looking.  I didn’t know where to put it so I hid it under my parent’s bed.”  (His parents were in the audience)

The panel was a blast.  I was also able to sit down with Agee and spend a few minutes talking to him about meeting fans, his own fandom and of course making Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2.  HVFF San Jose was Agee’s first comic convention, and you could tell that he was having a blast.