Pet Avengers

Avengers Academy Pet Avengers Event Episode 2

We are back to take a look at episode 2 for the Pet Avengers Event. This week’s additions are slim but not insignificant. If you missed last episode’s rundown you can find it here!


Cosmo the Spacedog:

File:Character Recruited! Cosmo the Spacedog.png
He’s always a good boy.

To recruit this Guardian ally you will need 6 Silver Ornaments (from battling the Lemurian Boss and the Magical Multiverse Portal), 4 Blue Ornaments (from battling the Lemurian Lieutenant boss), 30 Bones (from the Mission Board), 4 Space Helmets (from Cosmo’s Dog Bed), and 2,500 Gift Cards.


File:Character Recruited! Firebird.png
Wonder why she didn’t choose Phoenix. Oh wait…

To recruit the Pet Avengers’ Tutor and ally, you will need 8 Silver Ornaments (from battling the Lemurian Boss and the Magical Multiverse Portal), 9 Blue Ornaments (from battling the Lemurian Lieutenant boss), 30 Bolo Ties (from the Mission Board), 7 Cowboy Boots (from Fire penguin), 6,000 Gift Cards.


File:Character Recruited! Lockjaw.png
If you see him running at you, brace yourself for cuddles.

To unlock my personal favorite Inhuman all you will need is 21 Locks from Battlefield 2.


Labrador Iron Man:

File:Outfit Unlocked! Labrador Iron Man.png
Well, I mean, I guess…

To unlock this adorable dog disguise for Tony you will need 55 Iron Lab Armor (from battling the Lemurian Lieutenant boss), and 20,000 Gift Cards.

Dinosaur Captain America:

File:Outfit Unlocked! Dinosaur Captain America.png
Must resist the urge to make an old joke.

To unlock this outfit you will need to pull it from the premium Megafauna Mystery Crate.

And there you have it! Episode 2’s characters and outfits. What will Episode 3 hold? We will see next week!