The Marvel Reporters’ Commentary On The March 2018 Marvel Solicitations

Every month the Marvel Reporters assemble to share our solicitation commentary on what Marvel has coming out. This month we are discussing the Marvel Solicitations for March 2018 courtesy of our friends at Comic Frontline. This month we get

So check out the full solicitations, read what we have to say, then join the commentary and leave a comment with your thoughts!

Commentators:  BreezeJay, John, KatLouisTatiana

Editor: Jay   

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I am of two minds over this event. 1.) I am tired of these huge universe changing (but not really) events that lead to the next and the next, which Marvel promised they would give of 18 months of no events but reneged on. 2.) This sounds good. I mean we all know the event is designed to tie-in with Avengers Infinity War, and even creating the “Infinity Stones” for it shows that, but I always like the Infinity Gem events, so I hope they do this one right!

Marvel Solicitations


Breeze: This seems like a roundabout way to sell comics while getting people excited for Infinity War (seemingly not related), but I’m intrigued. I actually like that Marvel is doing a lot of these 5 issue mini-series. It’s a good way for them to test what’s going to stick without committing to a series only to cancel them way too early because of sales.

Jay: Like I said above I am excited about this, but I have been burned (a lot) by Marvel with their big universe-wide events, so they have to wow me.

John: This is an excellent move by Marvel to get both comic fans and MCU fans to get even more hype for the upcoming Avengers film. I’m curious to see what route they take with this story.

Kat: Interested to find out how the Infinity Stone holders got their stone, and thankfully the comics are still calling them stones instead of gems like in the MCU.

Marvel Solicitations


John: Woah! The legacy is getting serious with the titles they are choosing to bring back. And are we going to get Natasha back? Really!? I can’t wait to read this exciting new story. Matthew Rosenberg has been doing wonderful work and I’m glad to see him on this book.

Louis: Death is a revolving door for superheores. However, Black Widow is a spy first and a superhero second. Seems like we’ll be getting some answers. I’ve enjoyed the first part in Marvel’s new spy comic.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: This story has to be big, I mean they used a fan-favorite story like “The Death of Captain Marvel” to promote this, but so far it is much more of another all-out Asgardian war than the human battle of Jane Vs Cancer. This is supposed to be the big issue, so I hope they do this right.

John: I’m afraid for this one. Is Jane really going to die? Even more, how is she going to fair against Mangog! This has been one of the best runs from Marvel and I can’t wait to see where it takes us.

Kat:  I’m not ready!!

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: Ok, the Green Goblin is back, again. And? It is a bad sign that the biggest thing people are taking away from this solicitation, isn’t the big battle between two archnemesis, or who is the Red Goblin, but instead the possible low key announcement that Dan Slott will be stepping down as the Amazing Spider-Man writer.

Kat: The Green Goblin is back, but I am most interested to see which loved ones Norman will attack. Just like all Green Goblin stories, I hope this gets personal.

Louis: Norman Osborn is back again, and he’s off the rails too. Dan Slott’s Spider-Man run has been an amazing adventure. If this solicit implies this will be his last story, he’s definitely going out with a bang.

Marvel Solicitations

AVENGERS #683 – #686  

Jay: Who didn’t see Hulk being the Avenger returning? I know I saw it coming a mile away, just like I knew he would be all Hulk and no Banner. Did they just lowkey tell us about Voyager, the mysterious “original” Avenger? Is her power to “Voyage” or provide voyage into someone’s mind?

John: It’s going to be a struggle to keep up with these rapidfire issues, but I’m certainly going to try. Based on what I see the story will be an interesting one.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: This could be a big bold step for Marvel, Planet Hulk and World War Hulk were HUGE fan-favorite stories, and so far Return to Planet Hulk didn’t deliver the same impact, but will World War Hulk II?

John: Looks like Cho is going to leave Planet Hulk rather quickly. And it looks like Hulk is going to back to his old raging self. SMASH.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: A big issue, I hope they can deliver a story worthy of it (even if their math to get there is messed up)!

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I liked Weapons of Mutant Destruction The Totally Awesome Hulk & Weapon X team-up. This has the potential to be a great character, that this book could be the deciding factor. Can we care for him? That is what this team has to do, get us to care for this Hulkverine.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: This has me interested, but it also shows that Marvel is so into cross promotion with the new movie coming out having a similar vibe. But I do like this team and that Rahn is on it as she is that common denominator to bridge the New Mutants and X-Factor members.

John:  I can. Not. Wait. For. This. Book. Matthew Rosenberg on New Mutants!? With some X-factor! I’m almost positive I want this as an ongoing. This is one of the most anticipated for me.

Jay: We all know this is being released because of the movie, but I’m excited to see a book where Magick leads the team.

Marvel Solicitations



Jay: I am getting this more for the tie-ins like Ben Reilly and Ghost Rider than for Doctor Strange.

Marvel Solicitations


John: How STRANGE can these stories get. Dr. Sttrange in a Casino run by Mephisto sounds fun. Let’s see what comes of it.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I have been liking Iron Fist since Legacy, but I am worried as recently a lot of the Defenders line of books are being cancelled.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I don’t care, I am a card carrying member of the Ben Reilly fan club, so I am looking forward to this issue. But I do think a major flaw in the title is separating him from the bigger Marvel Universe, especially the Spider-Verse. This is the same thing I said would bring down Spider-Man 2099, and it did. It would be interesting if Ben finds out about the “One More Day” deal.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: Interesting that Johnny Blaze is resurfacing with Robbie Reyes being such a fan favorite. But I am glad to see more of a classic Ghost Rider getting some love.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I love Mariko Tamaki’s Hulk/She-Hulk, and that she puts the focus on Jen over Shulkie, which is something we don’t see often. We usually see Jen as Shulkie, and never delve deep into Jen and her psyche, until now. I have to say it, Hulk/She-Hulk has the best covers!

Kat: I like the the throwback cover.

Tatiana: Not sure what the plot of this arc will be, but the cover with Jen putting together a puzzle of another She-Hulk cover definitely has me intrigued. I love how well Mariko Tamaki has handled Jen’s emotional state.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I am looking forward to this future story for Captain America!

Louis: Sounds like Mark Waid is really building up hype for the 700th issue. Waid’s return to the Star Spangled Avenger made this title one of my most anticipated monthly books.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: This solicitation, Brian Michael Bendis leaving the title after this arc, and building up to the big #600 (with the “Marvel Math”) makes this an easy pick up for me.

Louis: We’re getting a tease that either Stark or Doom will fall at the end of this story. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bendis’s Iron Man finale had Doom cease being a hero so Tony can reclaim the Iron Man mantel.

Tatiana: The countdown to the 600th issue of Iron Man has me intrigued, and I’m all about the return of Tony. I just don’t want Riri to be shafted in the process.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: The Champions has me torn, I like the team, but I don’t like the book as I should. Waid has made this team the Social Justice Champions focusing more on activism than heroics, and that is not what I turn to my comics for. But perhaps this shake up on the team will also shake up the direction and we can have them being a team of teen heroes and not teen activist.

Louis: Looks like things aren’t going to great for the Champions. This solicit implies that we could be looking at more than one new team member or a possible new lineup.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I hope they don’t cop out and do the time change thing here, especially so soon. Can we get rid of his sister?

Louis: Great, more time travel.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I am honestly just waiting to see how Bendis ends his near 18 year run on the book. It is a shame that the title that launched his career has went so far downhill for me since Miles has joined the 616.

Kat: This has been disappointing as one of the last Miles Morales stories from Bendis.

Louis: Looks like Miles is tangling with the Hobgoblin. This will be intersecting seeing Miles take on one of Peter’s strongest foes. Plus this solicit says Aaron Davis promised Hobgoblin he could kill Spider-Man. This could mean Aaron doesn’t know Miles’s identity post-Secret Wars or Hobgoblin attacks the wrong webslinger.

Marvel Solicitations


Breeze: I’ve said it approximately one million times, but the Gwenom arc has exceeded my expectations by a huge margin (and they were high). I cannot wait for this final showdown with Matt Murdock, one of my favorite villains in all of Marvel comics right now.

Jay: I am really enjoying Gwenom. But for me the best part of Spider-Gwen is the world she lives in. Earth 65 is a character in and of itself, and this arc is really using that.

Kat: It looks like Spider-Gwen continues to be a very intense read.

Tatiana: I’m ready for the Murdock storyline to end and for Gwen to be a hero on her own, so I sure hope that’s what comes of this issue. He doesn’t have to die, just go find a different moody young adult to torture.

Marvel Solicitations

VENOM #163

Jay: I am not psyched about this Venom/X-Men crossover, but Venom INC has me more curious for the future of Flash, and the Symbiote.

Tatiana: I highly doubt anything in a single Venom issue could spell doom for the X-Men, let alone the entire Marvel Universe, but I can’t wait to meet this highly-anticipated villain.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: It is interesting to see this version of the teenage daughter of Peter & M.J. and to see her working with the X-Men makes it even more interesting. I am looking forward to this.

Tatiana: Annie May Parker dealing with other super-powered teens? Count me in! Definitely looking forward to her getting a little more shine in this series.

Marvel Solicitations


Breeze: Brian Michael Bendis deserves a grand sendoff from one of his own creations, but this description promises a lot. I’m excited to see what his final move is for the character.

Jay: You have to be in for this last issue with Bendis & Gaydos

Kat: I’m excited to see how Brian Michael Bendis will conclude his run on Jessica Jones, and who will take over the title next.

Louis: Can’t wait to read Bendis’s final issue writing Jessica Jones. ‘Nuff said.

Tatiana: I can’t believe this is Bendis’ last Jessica Jones issue. Of course I will be there to see how this team ties everything together for her, and I am ready to see what a new team does with her character. I’m not sure who the new writer is, but I’m glad it’s a woman.

Marvel Solicitations



John: The plot concerning the originators sounds fun. I’m interested in learning who the “true” originator is.

Tatiana: T’Challa vs. Ulysses Klaw and the Originator returns? Sounds like this issue has it all. I just hope it doesn’t veer too much towards the film given that they share a villain.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I can’t wait for the return of the Four! Marvel you better now pull the football!

Louis: I really enjoyed the first issue and I can’t wait to see where Ben and Johnny’s journey takes them next.

Marvel Solicitations


John: Sam back with Misty? It’s about time.

Marvel Solicitations


Tatiana: North and Henderson always manage to combine high stakes with hilarity, so I’m sure this issue will be no different. And you know a comic is good when even the solicit has you rolling on the floor laughing.

Marvel Solicitations


Breeze: Kelly Thompson confirmed on Twitter this will be the final issue of this run of Hawkeye. What a shame to lose one of Marvel’s books written by and starring a woman. We’ll miss you, Kate.

Jay: Even though I am not crazy that Kate has become a female Clint, I am looking forward to seeing where this series ends.

Kat: I like that Madame Masque is being thrown into the fight again.

Louis: It sucks this will be the last issue. Kate Bishop has really grown as a character since her time as a young avenger. I really would love it if she joined the Champions after this.

Tatiana: Love the dual Hawkeye team-up so far, and I’ve been waiting a few issues now to get to the bottom of this Madame Masque business. Sounds like this issue will provide a great climax!

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: Another adaptation disguised as a prelude, Marvel needs a better dictionary.

Marvel Solicitations


Tatiana: Curious as to how the jailer is back, and how Ahmed will keep it from feeling like a repeat. The series has been great so far, though, so I have faith.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: This looks really interesting, but the Inventor? Really?

John: Where is Ms. Marvel indeed. THIS sounds interesting!

Kat:  I can’t wait for Ms. Marvel’s friends to meet Captain Marvel. My anticipation for this arc continues.

Tatiana: I feel like Kamala and Carol haven’t had quality time since Civil War II, so I’m glad to see that her mentor is back in the picture for a little bit.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I am digging this title now that he is back to being Moon Knight, and I love that he has an archnemesis.


Jay: Lost siblings? I am going to get it, but come on!

Marvel Solicitations

X-MEN GOLD #23  – #24

Jay: I like X-Men Gold, I can’t wait to see what the new line-up post Negative Zone will be.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I love that Jean is back, and can’t wait to see her in action again with this team! Beautiful cover too!

John:  I’m ecstatic to see Jean back and I’m anxious to see her team in action.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: I love this book, and Orphans of X, but do we need them to return already?

John: The Orphans of X haven’t left yet, but it looks like they will be gone and back before you know it. Interesting anti-mutant group. Love the read.

Kat: That was a quick return!

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: No! This Iceman? This writer? NO! He is not ready for his own team and I am not alone in thinking that as this title is cancelled so to quote Iceman “YAS KWEEN!”

Kat: I’m tempted to pick this up for Kitty.


Marvel Solicitations

X-MEN: BLUE #23 – #24

Jay: I am not sure about this new team, one of the reasons why I like this book is for the original 5 X-Men, and Jimmy, I even like Bloodstorm. But I am interested in Havok coming back.

Marvel Solicitations


Breeze: I’m really looking forward to seeing how “X” (the Xavier/ Fantomex combo) plays a role in the X-Men universe. If the last arc is any indicator, we’re in for a wild ride.

Marvel Solicitations

CABLE #155

Jay: I loved him on New Mutants, so I am looking forward to this!

Kat: Picking up this series again for Hope.

Marvel Solicitations


Jay: This is by far Marvel’s best book period. I love this title and can’t wait for this family to be reunited again! And what family is complete without an awkward family portrait? I love the cover!

John: I absolutely love the Runaways. I will be reading this no matter what, and you should too!

Kat: I love this description, and everything about the Runaways! Interesting that Karolina is holding Nico’s hand in the cover, I wonder if that’s a foreshadowing of where their relationship is going.

Marvel Solicitations


John: We are getting Tarkin! And Mon Cala!! I am ready! Charles Soule has been killing this book! I can’t see what’s in store next!

Marvel Solicitations


Breeze: Maybe the recent movie release will convince even more readers to pick up this incredible book about everyone’s favorite pilot. The question is when does Rose get her own comic?…(make it happen Marvel!)

John: Sounds like Poe’s comic and story are finally about to end as he pulls up to where he was at the beginning of Episode VII. I can’t wait to read

Marvel Solicitations


Breeze:I’ll admit I don’t read this book, but seeing Hera from Star Wars Rebels on the cover makes me want to pick it up