#SHIELD100: Top Five Agents of SHIELD Plot Twists

5. Is That Johnny Blaze?

Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes MCU

The 6th episode of season 4, “The Good Samaritan”, gave fans of Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes’ backstory. The episode, directed by Billy Gierhart and written by Jeffrey Bell, showcased Robbie Reyes and how he sold his soul to save the life of his brother Gabriel. Bell crafted an emotional episode filled with a heck of a lot of awesome work by actor Gabriel Luna, but the biggest twist was in the Samaritan himself, a second ghost rider figure who appeared to pass on the curse to Robbie.

It turned out that there was a lot more to Robbie’s Ghost Rider then the ghost rider curse (part of the reason why he’s such a compelling figure), but the twist of a second Ghost Rider was a heck of a lot of fun for many diehard fans. While Johnny Blaze has yet to make an appearance in the MCU, it was a nice homage to the character. Many fans might have been disappointed with the Ghost Rider movies starring Nicholas Cage, but this was a positive way of honoring Blaze and the legacy of the riders while passing it on to Robbie who is the MCU’s Ghost Rider officially.

The Rider would eventually jump into multiple bodies from Coulson to Mack. Coulson hinted that there might be other Ghost Riders out there. The Ghost Rider legend is filled with a wealth of characters throughout Marvel’s history. While Robbie is Ghost Rider, could Coulson have encountered Alejandra, another female ghost rider? Could he be aware of Danny Ketch or even the historical ghost riders like the rider pictured in the trail of tears? Not only was the second Ghost Rider an awesome twist, but it left the door open for a lot of things to be explored in the MCU. #WeWantGhostrider and it’s time for Gabriel Luna to get a leading man role on the show!