#SHIELD100: Top Five Agents of SHIELD Plot Twists

1. Hail Hydra

The original twist is still the best. It was even acknowledge by Marvel as one of the premiere moments of Agents of SHIELD’s first season. While SHIELD reeled from learning that HYDRA was involved in it’s conception and that the two organizations were a part of one another, the show brought that concept home by having Grant Ward become one of the most iconic anti-villains in Marvel history. Broken and embittered from a tragic childhood, Ward joined up with John Garrett, infiltrated SHIELD and the Coulson’s team and ended up betraying all of them becoming the catalyst for many of the show’s other major twists.

This twist was so powerful people still argue and debate the nature of Ward almost 4 years after the event occurred. Many people are still reeling from the sense of betrayal created by having such a drastic change happen to such a beloved character. The debate rages with some taking the side that he was a good person and others that he’s irredeemable and evil incarnate. The viciousness of attacks from both sides still rocks the internet to its core every time someone introduces the show to a new viewer and whatever side people end up on they’re likely to be subjected to a barrage of debating, different opinions, and discussions that can vary between the absurd to the downright dangerous.

In short, the Ward twist is SHIELD‘s Red Wedding, an iconic moment brought that ultimately has shaped the balance of power in Coulson’s corner of the MCU. While Ward saw redemption of a sort in the 4th season by the team being introduced into an alternate reality where he was raised by Victoria Hand instead of Garrett (and presumably killed Garrett at some point during his quest to protect Skye?), the Grant Ward twist was one of the most iconic moments in superhero television. It’s impact is still felt to this day, still discussed and debated.

There are dozens of twists delivered every season by SHIELD. Did our favorites match up with yours? Do you disagree with any of our assertions? Jump into #Shield100 and share your thoughts with us as we continue our countdown to the game changing 100th episode!