#SHIELD100: Top Five Agents of SHIELD Plot Twists

We’re continuing our top 5 countdown to the Agents of SHIELD 100th episode with our look at our favorite Agents of SHIELD plot twists! Did you miss us? Agree or disagree with our choices so far? There’s so much in the series that deserves to be talked about, dissected, and looking back on that the overall feel of this series has been an utter delight. The 100th episode airs March 9th and Marvel has been kicking up the interest with their own collection of posters, press materials, and interviews spotlighting their first foray into the television realm with Agents of SHIELD.

Time and time again Agents of SHIELD has reinvented itself. From its further exploration of the Hydra reveal in season one to the space and time twist that blew people’s minds in season 5, there is always something new. It’s for that reason that we are talking about Agents of SHIELD and counting down our top 5 plot twists from the show.

A plot twist is defined as an “unexpected development” but for every SHIELD fan, the “plot twist” becomes an emotional rollercoaster ride, a hill to die on, an emotional battle for people where everything from hilarious memes to cruel words can be flung. SHIELD writers Maurissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon, and Jeffery Bell excel at plot twists and have crafted some of the best ones on television. Every time a person thinks they’ve got the show figured out the SHIELD writers room takes it in an entirely different direction to the surprise (and delight) of the fans.

Think you’ve got our twists figured out? Get your own list ready and see if you’ve predicted our favorites as we countdown the top five Agents of SHIELD twists for #SHIELD100!