Road to Infinity War: Where to Start

It is March 4th and we are officially 2 months away from…wait…what’s that?

Robert Downey Jr. asked Marvel Studios for the release date to be bumped up a week and…wait…WHAT?? Marvel said yes?

Please hold for a moment…


If you aren’t permanently glued to your Twitter feed, you might have missed the exchange go down at around noon on Thursday afternoon. Here’s how it all started:

Road to Infinity War

And, if you haven’t started down the #RoadtoInfinityWar yet, have no fear…we may be down a week, but there’s still plenty of time to play catch up. And hey…HEY!! This means we get to see Avenger: Infinity War sooner than we thought. Please hold for a moment…

Road to Infinity War

It can be difficult to decide which path to take as you gear up for, arguably, the biggest event in the Marvel Universe since The Avengers hit theaters in 2012 (that honor could also go to Captain America: Civil War) and quite possibly the biggest gamble in movie history (which, technically, could also go to Captain America: Civil War.)

If you aren’t sure yet how to start down the #RoadtoInfinityWar, don’t worry, we got your back! There are two ways to watch this franchise. Release Date Order and Chronological Order. We’ll break down the pros and cons to each path and provide you with a handy 9 week guide 8 week guide to follow along. If you want someone to journey along with, head to Twitter. Lots of people are traveling down this road and you’re sure to make fast friends.

Release Date Order

Pros: Release Date Order (RDO) is the purest way to watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s the way Kevin Feige and the whole team at Marvel Studios intended for it to be watched. The Easter Eggs and end credit scenes fit together like little nerdy puzzle pieces. Each one layers and builds upon itself culminating in big crossover movie events like The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War. It’s something no other movie franchise has ever achieved and is certainly worth watching again and again!

Cons: There really aren’t any cons to watching the movies in RDO. If you have been seeing each Marvel movie in theaters since Iron Man blasted his way into our hearts in 2008, you may have watched RDO in real time. Maybe it’s time to try something new and see the MCU from a different point of view.

Your handy RDO viewing guide:

Chronological Order

Pros: The great things about Chronological Order is that watching the series of events in the order that they actually happen (for the most part) to the characters themselves adds all kinds of layers of understanding to the greater Marvel Universe. Starting with that moment Captain America first took the super soldier serum back in World War II. (Bonus points if you watch the Agent Carter TV series between watching Captain America: The First Avenger and Iron Man. Talk about adding layers. That show is a blooming onion!)

Cons: To make Chronological Order viewing work, you have to be ok with a couple small things being out of order. Not all the end credit scenes will fit together in that shiny puzzle-like way. If you can set that aside and fit them together in your head, you’ll be in for a real treat with this viewing order.

Your handy Chronological viewing guide:

9 weeks 8 weeks…18 movies. You’re looking at about 2-3 movies a week at this point.

Go big or go home, right?!

Choose your path…and don’t forget to hit us up on Twitter @TheMarvelReport and let us know which path you’re taking or if you’ve already been down this road for a while.

And don’t forget to go see Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War on May 4th April 27th!!

Road to Infinity War: Where to Start
Photo from Cactus24

Road to Infinity War