The energy was high in Hall H on Saturday, July 27, for The Penguin, a spin-off limited series occurring directly...
Virgil Hawkins makes his Young Adult graphic novel debut in this raucous, hilarious, superpowered packed story: Static: Up All Night....
In a recent interview with Mark Russell, Vanessa Young dug into the first two issues of Batman: Dark Age, his...
“Texas taught me not to trust systems of power because it has always been a weapon pointed at me and...
Writers Jeremy Adams and Tim Sheridan talk Knight Terrors: Green Lantern and the upcoming Alan Scott: The Green Lantern miniseries from DC.
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Multiverse of Color sat down with Poison Ivy writer, G. Willow Wilson, on top of the DC booth at San...
After a long wait, DC fans finally got a glimpse of the upcoming superhero film with a new Blue Beetle...
On this week’s episode Vanessa, Keenon, and Breeze discuss episode ten of Doom Patrol season 4, “Tomb Patrol".
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