New York Comic-Con Marvel Animation Panel Re-Cap

So here we go the Marvel Animation panel at New York Comic-Con. Looks like some great stuff.

The panel had both Joe Quesada (Marvel Chief Creative Officer), and Dan Buckley (President of Publishing and TV) present to present and answer fan questions.

Season 3 of Avengers Assemble was announced as Avengers: Ultron Revolution. Ultron returns from what looked to be his demise leaving Joe Quesada to say “With that name Ultron just might be the big villain.: Not only do the Avengers have to deal with that but also Baron Zemo, the Masters of Evil, and Kang the Conqueror. But they are not alone Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and the Inhumans are set to appear. It’s still speculated that this might be setting up for a Civil War adaption as well.

Ultimate Spider-Man Season 4: Ultimate Spider-Man Vs Sinister Six. It will have the same cast plus a “mysterious new Scarlet Spider” but not much else was said.

A tease of the new episode of Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors, part of the Contest of Champions story which rounds out Season 3 of the show.

Also announced was the feature length animated film Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Frost Fight – Avengers and a few guest stars battle against Loki and Ymir in search of Santa’s powers.

Guardians of the Galaxy has been renewed for season 2, which means I still have a job,  plus next week the soundtrack will be released Cosmic Mix Vol. 1, the music from the show.

The next thing was originally thought to be a clip from Guardians of the Galaxy but turned out to be the whole 4th episode titled Take the Milano and Run.

With the time left Dan and Joe take questions.

I’m really excited about what Marvel Animation has in store in the next few years, especially the fight for Santa’s Powers. Seems like that could be interesting.