America Chavez Finally Gets Her Own Series

Since Young Avengers reintroduced comic readers to America Chavez in 2013, Marvel fans everywhere have been hoping for her to get her own series. Today at New York Comic Con, America #1 was announced at the “Meet Marvel @ NYCC” Panel and excitement has quickly spread throughout the internet. Marvel also tweeted out an image of the first cover after the announcement, which was done by Young Avengers artists Jamie McKelvie and Matt Wilson.

It’s unclear if the same team will be heading up her new solo series, or if they will even continue to do covers after the first one. America Chavez’s book is part of the Marvel Now initiative, and it really is long overdue. Not only have fans been specifically clamoring for her to have her own series – so much so that the character’s original creator announced a different America through Image Comics – but it is still rare in this day and age to see a Latina superhero-led comic. Even rarer still? LGBT-led comics, which Marvel has been sorely lacking. If the creative team behind America treat her with care, the new series will be both quality entertainment and a wonderful new source of representation for thousands of devoted comic fans. Hopefully the story will take more time to delve into her relationships, as the focus will be one her as an individual instead of as part of a group.

America Chavez was created by Joe Casey and Nick Dragotta for the 2011 miniseries Vengeance as a new incarnation of the Miss America identity. She was raised by her mothers in the Utopian Parallel, and traveled across the Multiverse after they heroically sacrificed themselves. After appearing heavily in the Young Avengers title as well as A-Force, she is currently a part of Al Ewing and Kenneth Rocafort’s The Ultimates team. Check out any or all of those books if you want to know more about her character!