Alpha Flight Agents of SHIELD

Agents Of SHIELD: 5 Cosmic Characters We Want in Season 5

We’re still absolutely living over the final minutes of Agents of SHIELD Season 4, with Coulson standing on a base in space. With the upcoming Captain Marvel film bridging the gap between the cosmic and the earthbound heroes, it’s only natural for Agents of SHIELD — the proving ground for the MCU — to reach in a more cosmic direction. Marvel TV confirmed that this season will take place in space and that our agents will be dealing with the Kree. While SWORD will not be appearing in Season 5, Captain Marvel’s Alpha Flight is a very real possibility. They’ve introduced a collection of new characters, but there’s still plenty of room to introduce some new players in this or any season. Now that SHIELD is heading into space, here’s 5 cosmic characters who we think should join Agents of SHIELD this season.


Guardian is more traditionally associated with being a team leader, but the Canadian super hero could be theoretically introduced as a team member and spun off for a future down the line.  The biochemical engineer and scientist develops a suit much like Iron-Man did, but he takes steps to ensure that no one will steal or pirate his technology.  Originally forming a team called ‘Flight’ for the Canadian government, the original team featured James ‘Logan’ Howlett as one of the first members.

By transferring Guardian to Alpha Flight it’d be more of a space suit that could be used to fly in space – and variations on the iron man technology would be a good use for protecting the earth – especially against large purple threats like Thanos.

IDEAL CASTING: Jake McLaughlin of ABC’s Quantico has the on screen presence to be a Tony Stark like hero, especially if there’s ever a hint of unusual motives.  With Coulson now in space he could theoretically have a great Tony Stark like dynamic with the Canadian agent.


Snowbird is a first nation goddess named Narya who was bound to Canada and has the ability to transform into Canadian tundra creatures.  Raised by Shaman, she becomes a member of Alpha Flight and after marrying and having a child is ‘killed’ before being brought back.  We’re arguing for Songbird’s inclusion since her returning has an almost Ghost Rider like vibe and would be further hints of “realms” beyond human understanding.  Having Snowbird, a so-called child of gods who would be altered into otherworldly beings would add another dimension to the “realms” that many people haven’t experienced.  Plus, she and Shaman would give some much needed indigenous/first nation representation.

IDEAL CASTING: Ashley CallingBull is a first nation model who has the look and presence of Snowbird. A former Miss Universe, she’s an ideal recruit for television and would be perfect as the ethereal Songbird.  If she chose to pursue acting, we think she’d be a great fit for Narya.  We’d love to see Ghost Rider and Snowbird meet.


Shaman Is another part of Alpha flight. A member of the Sarcee tribe and a surgeon, Shaman learned the mystical arts from the spirit of his grandfather after the death of his wife and child. A more tragic figure, Shaman, also known as Micheal Twoyoungmen, has a connection to Snowbird and he’d provide an almost Doctor Strange like figure for the television universe. Adding him to any team or any season, or any future season of the show would provide a unique perspective to our favorite SHIELD agents. He’s an easy addition, would provide some much needed first nation representation on television, and would be another interesting character to tangle with Gabriel Luna’s Ghostrider.

IDEAL CASTING Martin Sensmeier made a big splash in Magnificent Seven and having him join the MCU seems like a smart move. Sensmeier, as a representative of the Native Wellness Institute, would be able to help the writers provide Shaman with the respect that the character has long deserved.


Henry Peter Gyrich is a SWORD agent and extremely anti-mutant.  While he’s had many assassination attempts on his life, some of the best characters are the ones that Coulson can square off with on a more ‘neutral’ ground.  While he now has 2 lifetimes inside his head and he’s been brought back to life, from Rosalind to Ward to Jeffery Mace, Coulson reconnecting with his ‘agent’ roots delivers some of the best dialogue.  If gyrich ends up a good guy like Mace and Rosalind or a bad guy like Ward, we’d be here for it.  Every location -even space – needs a middleman in a suit to deal with the books.  Especially if you’re an Agent.

IDEAL CASTING: While Fitz is currently on Scandal, Tony Goldwyn is a part of the ABC family.  Bringing a major member of Shondaland over to SHIELD even if it’s temporary could be a great way to connect the show.  Find a way to introduce Kerry Washington and Jake Ballard and we’d be set for life.


The number one character we want to see and we hope we’re most likely to see.  Abigail Brand is part alien, a SWORD agent who moved to Alpha Flight in the comics, and a Joss Whedon creation.  Brand is 28 years old and very familiar with much of what’s happening as far as ‘Ghost Boxes’ (A season 4 reference) and a prominent Fury loyalist.  With Daisy loyal to Coulson and Coulson in Brand’s clutches (potentially) seeing two proteges square off against each other would be good TV.  The insults (at one point Wolverine called Brand ‘Hydra Hair’ and Daisy could easily appropriate that) that would fly and the thought of two strong lady led teams squaring off against each other for the same goals would be great.    Abigail Brand’s no-nonsense Fury brand of justice would be interesting to see squaring off against Daisy Johnson’s Coulson taught optimism.

IDEAL CASTING: Priyanka Chopra has proven she has the chops to carry her own show and has a lot of experience playing an agent.  She could easily make the leap from Quantico and it would give her a chance to shine and make Abigail Brand the fully realized character she deserves to be.

There’s a multitude of new agents that could be pulled from dozens of places and added to the Agents of SHIELD lexicon.  We’ll have to tune in to Season 5 in order to find out who they pick.  Did your favorite make the list? Sound off in the comments below.

Agents of SHIELD returns for a 2-hour premiere on December 1.