The groundbreaking DC Comic receives yet another adaptation. Watchmen: Chapter 1 is now available to own on digital. The Seminal...
In a recent interview with Mark Russell, Vanessa Young dug into the first two issues of Batman: Dark Age, his...
“The Hill is a major character… I think that that makes for a good story anyway, where you have the...
Blue Beetle has been winning over the hearts of critics and fans from early screenings. The general opinion from influencers...
The anticipation I feel for Batman: Caped Crusader was high for a long time. The idea of a series that...
Swamp Thing was a highly anticipated show coming to what was called the DC Universe streaming service. The trailers were...
We have been hearing for the last little bit that Supergirl may be appearing in Superman: Legacy. This may become...
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During the first episode of The Showrunner Whisperer, host Andy Behbakht asked Legends Of Tomorrow showrunner Keto Shimizu about the...
There are 97 more days until Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom hits theatres, but at last, the official trailer has...