MCU Retrospective: Guardians of the Galaxy In 2010, Kevin Feige changed the landscape for the MCU and superhero films when...
Director James Gunn has confirmed that the legendary Stan Lee will in fact continue his streak of cameo appearances in...
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Director James Gunn has embraced social media in creative ways by having impromptu Q&A...
I’ll be honest – I have never seen a movie, or not seen a movie because of the director. In...
Marvel is a non-stop hype machine and we fans just can’t get enough. Today on Twitter, director James Gunn released the first...
SDCC Hall H 2016: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 All of Saturday in Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con 2016...
Holy Spider-Man: Homecoming news day true believers! We at TMR are going absolutely giddy with not one, but two casting announcements...
Director James Gunn shared this amazing piece of concept art from the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 movie on...
And here. we. go. Marvel fans! San Diego Comic-Con is in less than one week and the reveals have already started...
With Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 right in the middle of filming, Writer/Director James Gunn took to Facebook yesterday for...