Top 5 Mutants for Untitled X-Men Show

  1. Warpath

Like Blink, I believe Warpath, James Proudstar, deserves a second chance in live action. Both were criminally underused in Days of Future Past. I like Booboo Stewart’s performance as him. I just think they didn’t do much with him. For the show, I could see him having a much bigger role. This underground group of mutants is going to need protectors. They apparently have Polaris and Blink already, but I think they could also use a muscle protector. I think Warpath would be perfect for this. Warpath’s abilities in the comics include superhuman strength, superhuman resistance, superhuman agility, superhuman senses and sometimes-even flight. They could even incorporate his comic backstory, saying that he protects the mutants as a way to honor his dead brother. Lastly, I feel like Warpath would also be a good friend for the father figure to have.