Top 5 Mutants for Untitled X-Men Show

  1. Pixie

Megan Gwynn, also known as Pixie, is a very unique character I feel would be perfect for the show. Like Dazzler, she is also a prominent member of the X-Men in the comic, but also like Dazzler, she has yet to have her live action debut. However, unlike Dazzler, Pixie isn’t just a mutant. She additionally happens to be part fairy. Yes, you heard me right. Due to being a fairy, mutant mix, Pixie has a unique set of abilities. She has bug like wings that allow her to fly, she can secrete pixie dust that causes illusions, and she has innate magical aptitude.

Her spell casting is limited but does include teleportation for her and others. With the popularity of such things as Doctor Strange, True Blood and CW’s Supergirl, I feel now would be the perfect time for Pixie’s debut. Furthermore, I feel she could fill multiple roles on the show. Pixie could fly ahead during tough situations. She could teleport people to safety. I also believe she could bring levity to darker tone show with her pixie dust and generally more jovial personality. Megan could also be a protector of the group or protector in training. They could even have her serve as another friend for the daughter and/or love interest for the son, depending on ages. Personally, I think the possibilities are endless for her.

This is a completely new property. So anything is possible going forward. I could probably think of at least ten more mutants I think would be good for the show. I won’t keep you that long though. I’ll just leave you with this. What did you think of my five? What other characters would you like to see make their live action debut on this show? Are there any characters you’d like to see get cast for the show? Let us know in the comments below.