Top 5 Heroes Wanted For Marvel’s Next Animated Series

4. X-Men

Rumor has it that Marvel and Fox are starting to be friendlier with each other. This is furthered by the fact the mutant community is flourishing in the comics, as opposed to their recent bout of bleakness. I think now would be the perfect time to bring back the X-Men in animated form. Not counting the anime, it has been 8 years since the last X-Men cartoon. The X-Men have such a vast and varied history that I personally wouldn’t know where to start as far as story goes. There are many X characters that have yet to even be seen in animated form, including fan favorite characters like Fantomex, Siryn, and Hope Summers. If they wanted to be different, they could include some of those characters or take inspiration from the films. I think it could be interesting to incorporate the Mystique as a mentor element from the last film. This is a new world. The possibilities are endless.